Bramley Garage Surrey

Bramley Garage Surrey



Original Poster:

3,081 posts

192 months

Thursday 7th February 2013
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What are they like to deal with? (reminds me of TH set up)


Original Poster:

3,081 posts

192 months

Thursday 7th February 2013
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many thanks guys
looks like i will to have have a drive down to the showroom
thank again


Original Poster:

3,081 posts

192 months

Friday 8th February 2013
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Pork said:
Rocco1, you looking at anything in particular?

You buy cars more regularly than I buy petrol! What's the score - you do know you can fill them up, right? You don't have to by another when the tank is empty! hehe
Took a friend out in the scud and he was so impressed that he wants one
Hes a big Lamborghini fan but he was left mesmerised with the scud.he sold his gallardo last week and i think its the black scud Bramleys have that he is intrested in
My buying days are over,happy with what i have


Original Poster:

3,081 posts

192 months

Friday 8th February 2013
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Pork said:
ah, right,...nice to go shopping with someone elses money! smile

Interesting that Bramley have an option to see their site in Russian. Tells you who's got the coin at the mo!
Dont forget the Gulfies they own most of Knightsbridge and they have gold coins lol


Original Poster:

3,081 posts

192 months

Friday 8th February 2013
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not a bad word been spoken about Bramleys (not often we here that)
well done Bramleys see you guys soon