Fueling issue on amg gt

Fueling issue on amg gt



Original Poster:

6,562 posts

225 months

Monday 2nd September
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I was driving my car recently, pretty hard but not ridiculous track type use and suddenly the car splutterd a bit and went into limp mode. Engine light came on.

Got my mate to plug in and had these codes come up.

Basically a problem with fuelling.....?

Now, the car had just been serviced, this was the first drive, probably did 25 miles.

Is it possible this could be a hose come off? something not been put back right.

car is booked in with mercedes to have a look but it would be nice to have some pre loaded info. Do fuel pumps suddenly just fail? do injectors suddenly fail?

Its way to complicated for me to have a look iykwim.

Im hoping its a hose come off hehe


Original Poster:

6,562 posts

225 months

Monday 2nd September
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stevieturbo said:
Hose off would be a strange diagnosis.

Presumably it is driving ok now ?

More likely you ran it too low on fuel and it had some fuel surge and cut out for a bit.
No, its stuck in limp mode. Just suddenly happened, i was driving pretty hard. turned around, put foot down again, bit of splutter and then straight into limp mode.....

Hose off is wishful thinking i know hehe

Just find it odd how it was running perfectly and suddenly goes wrong with these codes. Im not sure things in the fuel system suddenly break? or do they?