Anyone got a NSX?



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13,275 posts

288 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Looking at replacing the Chimaera, but what do I get? Don't really want to spend any more than £20k, which could buy me a Cerbera, but an NSX would be a bit 'different' anyone got one, had one, got any views on them, at £20k it's going to be an early one, what goes wrong, how much is it going to cost to keep it running as a daily driver?


Original Poster:

13,275 posts

288 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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£18,500 on 74k miles.


Original Poster:

13,275 posts

288 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Is there any car you've not had?


Original Poster:

13,275 posts

288 months

Friday 9th August 2002
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Well start from the top, running costs, things to look out for, options, extras, special editions (Type R), Could you use one every day? Performance, that should be enough for now