RT/10 Supercharged 700bhp - views

RT/10 Supercharged 700bhp - views



Original Poster:

674 posts

282 months

Friday 8th November 2019
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There's a viper for sale at Specialist Cars in Malton with lots of performance upgrades; does anyone know much about the car? I'd be interested in knowing a little bit about it. I am not necessarily in the market but as i used to have a '97 GTS i still have a hankering for the marque.


Original Poster:

674 posts

282 months

Friday 8th November 2019
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Thanks Neil

I sort of recognised it but wasn't sure. Its a mega car. Baz - where are you? What do you think?

Viper said:
Without even looking we can say it’s mostly likely Barry’s yellow RT, fab car no expense spared in the mods. It’s been for sale for a while, so it’s over priced. I think they offered to sell back to Barry for about £40k last year. Barry had a red gen1 when you had the 97


Original Poster:

674 posts

282 months

Friday 8th November 2019
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Its interesting the nature of the price drop - not sure what is going on there. Well spotted re the article. Has to be said I have been more of a GTS fan but the RT/10 is a stunning example of what you can do with upgrading performance.


Original Poster:

674 posts

282 months

Saturday 9th November 2019
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Hi there. Doing ok. I have downsized on cars recently to best match my semi-retired state. I have been driving an RS4 B5 (the Cosworth engine is epic), plus still have a race car - e46 M3 - but not driven it on the track for ages - so its been sent out to pasture and really need to move that on. Also a little Cooper S JCW for fun (again that needs to go).

How did the RT/10 escape? What are you driving now and are you still looking after other Vipers? How's wife / family?

Dr-Bob said:
Long time Woolfie

How’s things? Yes it’s my old supercharged RT/10.