Morgan daily...

Morgan daily...



Original Poster:

25,057 posts

228 months

Saturday 26th February 2022
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Is a 2015 or so Morgan Plus 4 much lower than a mk1 mx5, a car i owned and lived and could easly get in and out of roof up or down? I saw one the other day for the first time in a long time and the driver, successfully, folded himself into the car hood up. He looked like a big fella too!! Do many people use their Morgans daily or are they just too compromised, particularly from the perspective of actually getting in and out of them? Can a Morgan live outdoors on the street, security issues not wihstanding; any convertible has potential issues after all. Seems like a car that is as safe a place to keep your money as any, almost depreciation proof!!


Original Poster:

25,057 posts

228 months

Monday 27th June 2022
quotequote all
Thanks for all of the advice. Looking at prices I will likely be looking at a 2010 ish 4/4 1.6, the baby of the bunch, unless the 2015ish models come down a bit, but I don't think you buy a car like this to go fast, do you? Its a few years off yet if we do take the plunge but thank you all for your advice.

I am going to take some advice also and try to hire one for a weekend to see how difficult it would be to live with

Edited by biggbn on Monday 27th June 17:53