Exhaust ID

Exhaust ID



Original Poster:

1,142 posts

288 months

Monday 24th June 2024
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Hi All,

I need some help identifying the manifold and system on my 500 please. Although it sounds amazing it is just too loud on a run and I want to reduce the droning.
It looks like it's an ACT manifold with a V band Y piece and although I know I haven't shown the rest of the system I'm certain its a sports style system with cherry bomb style silencers.
If I'm correct does this mean I have no cats int he manifold and only the cat in the Y piece? In which case I guess my first step is to try a standard system instead of the sports and see if that takes the edge off.
I know there are many threads about exhausts so once I know what I have I can listen to the various Youtube vids and work out what my options are.



Original Poster:

1,142 posts

288 months

Monday 24th June 2024
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Thanks, I didn't realise the V band connection was standard!
Yes is has been ceramic coated, the car was restored a few owners ago.
I find it hard to believe I could have both sets of cats and just a standard exhaust given how loud it is but I'll listen to a few vids and see what I can determine before I start yanking the Y piece apart. I'm sure Andy @ APM who does my servicing told me it didn't have cats.
Nice engine bay too wink


Original Poster:

1,142 posts

288 months

Monday 24th June 2024
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Thanks both, I'll get a jack under her at the weekend to check, I thought I had two cherry bomb style silencers but will check.
Appreciate the help.


Original Poster:

1,142 posts

288 months

Monday 24th June 2024
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mk1fan said:
There's no other option.

Clive F Equal Length manifolds and sports CATs. FB Fabrications on Facial Bakuea biglaugh

ETA: You might need to check with him about having A/C fitted.

Edited by mk1fan on Monday 24th June 19:45
Funny you say that, the only vid I watched on my way home was Matthew Poxon's with Clives equal length manifolds and it sounded epic!
That would set me back thousands though and I'm not sure how loud that is compared with what I have already.


Original Poster:

1,142 posts

288 months

Monday 24th June 2024
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DVR V8 said:
Hi Mags. If you decide to change the manifolds tim also supplies ARP stainless manifolds bolts. Great upgrade, no more seized bolts and a smaller spanner size for easy removal.
I have a feeling it has these already, can't check now as she's tucked away and covered up but will at the weekend, I remember being surprised at how rust free the manifold bolts were yesterday.