Porsche Miami Blue Mini

Porsche Miami Blue Mini



Original Poster:

990 posts

233 months

Wednesday 17th August 2022
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I'm new here, but this is probably not one for the purests on here. It's a 1995 SPi Sprite under all the glitter. It goes really well, I use it daily despite other toys to use. It's just passed it's MOT only needing a bottom ball joint and rear wheel bearing. As someone said, they really do get under your skin.

It was a Friday night slightly worse for wear eBay win, most of the hard work had been done, but that's not stopped me spending a fortune on a constant stream of 'bits' for it. It was a great little hobby during lockdown but cannot see me parting with it anytime soon.

I'm amazed by the attention this little thing gets too. Everyone has a story either about their first car or their mums etc. It's painted in Porsche Miami blue which I think really suits it. Full custom interior with toggle switches and a reversing camera fitted!

Edited by shunt on Wednesday 17th August 13:32


15,875 posts

114 months

Wednesday 17th August 2022
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Very nice - is the rear screen tinted glass or or a clear screen with film tint applied..?


Original Poster:

990 posts

233 months

Wednesday 17th August 2022
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Thanks, no all the windows are clear, maybe just the camera 😁


1,994 posts

221 months

Wednesday 24th August 2022
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That looks lovely, the colour is similar to surf blue.

Edited by PH5121 on Wednesday 24th August 09:20


Original Poster:

990 posts

233 months

Wednesday 24th August 2022
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PH5121 said:
That looks lovely, the colour is similar to surf blue.

Edited by PH5121 on Wednesday 24th August 09:20
Thanks, yes it's very similar to surf blue but a bit deeper blue. A lovely little thing.


107 posts

215 months

Friday 26th August 2022
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I wasn't expecting Miami blue to look so good on the mini but I have to admit it does look great.

I finally got my '92 SPI out of storage last week after 10 years. Your car is giving me some motivation to stick some fluids in and get it MOT'd. These days I get so few opportunities to drive anywhere that the sensible thing to would be to let it go to a new home but parting with cars is hard.


18,508 posts

208 months

Thursday 8th August
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shunt said:
Is the screen just for a reverse camera or is it integrated to the audio for carplay etc?