Samsung A15 setup for a ten year old

Samsung A15 setup for a ten year old



Original Poster:

1,654 posts

143 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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Hi all. We’re all apple in our house so I’ve no experience of Samsung. Said 10 year old has an iPad with Apple ID login and all that, but he can whistle if he thinks he’s getting an iPhone to lose. What do I need to do to setup his phone - is it a case of getting a Samsung id and just logging into his apps with his email address? Can me and my wife monitor stuff he does from an iPhone or do they not talk to each other? Was especially concerned by not having access to any locational stuff like we do with his ipad and his apple watch. Thanks.


Original Poster:

1,654 posts

143 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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Cheers guys, that sounds like exactly what I was after

Edited by popegregory on Saturday 30th November 14:03


Original Poster:

1,654 posts

143 months

Monday 23rd December 2024
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Sorry all, just one more. Am I setting up a Samsung account for the child as well as the Google family link? Or do I want to do my own Samsung account, or even not bother at all?