Archive #13108066

21st March 2010 - Luton Lunch

Details & Location to Follow - But let's face it, it's going to be the same as normal, because it works! wink - Possibility of a new location this year I am informed - Info to follow.

If you wish to attend and are not mentioned, please add your name, also please remove your name if you have been added incorrectly...

# Name Partner Attending
1 Dr-Bob -
2 GTSDave -
3 Fishboy -
4 Viper -
5 Viperdave Marianne
6 Chemical Matty Mrs Chemical Matty
7 Zubair -
8 Leatherman -
9 Graham Net
10 Viper Nigel Mary
13 Neilsfishing Char
14 Viper Paul Porn Star
15 Viper Kev plus 2
16 Viper2day maybe ?
17 - -
18 - -
19 - -
20 - -