Keep Calm and Carry On - trademark

Keep Calm and Carry On - trademark



Original Poster:

13,093 posts

189 months

Thursday 22nd September 2011
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I am surprised the phrase was allowed to be trademarked.


From wikipedia

In August 2011 it was reported that the UK based company Keep Calm and Carry On Ltd asserts trade mark in the slogan Keep Calm and Carry On. The company sells a range of products carrying the slogan. The company has registered the slogan as a Community trade mark (CMT), but has not registered the design of the original World War Two poster with the royal crown.[11] In the same months Keep Calm and Carry On Ltd has issued a take-down request to eBay against a seller of Keep Calm and Carry On products, claiming the supply of counterfeit goods on the basis that the Community trade mark the company the exclusive right throughout the whole of the European Community to use the Trademark KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON ® in relation to any goods.[12] Questions have been raised whether the registration could be challenged on the basis that the slogan had been widely used before registration and is not recognisable as indicating trade origin.[13]

On 19 September 2011 an application has been submitted to cancel Keep Calm and Carry On Ltd's EU trademark by online intellectual property adviser, Trade Mark Direct, on the grounds that the words are too widely used for one person to own the exclusive rights. The case is expected to take between four and six months to reach a conclusion.[14] On 22 September 2011, the story was featured on BBC Breakfast News, and a social media campaign and e-petition started.


I woudl expect the Trademark to be cancelled TBH. What do you think?


194 posts

192 months

Thursday 22nd September 2011
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I think the trademarking is stupid. He said he done it to protect his business interests. If you ask me, its a crap business model if thats all they sell. Whats he gonna do when this fad dies out.


27,850 posts

225 months

Thursday 22nd September 2011
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you'd hope so

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

234 months

Thursday 22nd September 2011
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Oddboy86 said:
I think the trademarking is stupid. He said he done it to protect his business interests. If you ask me, its a crap business model if thats all they sell. Whats he gonna do when this fad dies out.
Move on to the next one.

It's not stupid at all. Quite the opposite in fact.