07 Ferrari 599 Gearbox needed, and an electrical genius??

07 Ferrari 599 Gearbox needed, and an electrical genius??



Original Poster:

47 posts

213 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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Hi All, i've been offered a 599 Ferrari that needs a complete new gear box, any ideas what one of these would cost?? someone mentioned £50k Yikes!!!!! the car is currently wrapped in White due to a dodgy paint job after a previous crash, how easy it is to remove this and re wrap??

I believe a gear box repair is out of the question as it has suffered an impact and is beyond repair, although the salvage yard concerned claim it just jumps out of gear now and then ;-/ they forgot to mention it had been driven into a lake by the previous owners teenage spoilt bratt!!

Also a few electrical problems if anyone can help??

The car is currently in a salvage yard in Chobham


10,056 posts

198 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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walk away wink


5,038 posts

189 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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I think the gearbox could well be the first of a long line of expenses with that one!

Liquid ingress on electrical components can take months to really take hold and will corrode from the inside out, completely writing off most electrical things. And was a lake the only thing he ran it into?!

I would personally steer well clear. It may sound like it could be a good (cheap-ish) way of getting into a dream car, but it could well be the stuff of nightmares when problems start rearing their heads.


2,991 posts

166 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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Graziano have a service facility in St Neots so you could ask them but the project sounds unlikely to make monetary sense let alone yield a reliable car


6,075 posts

161 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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carlosanna said:
it had been driven into a lake by the previous owners teenage spoilt bratt!!

Also a few electrical problems if anyone can help??
lake +submerged +electrical problems..... a life of woe and tears!
you;d have more fun dangling in a food processor!


206 posts

157 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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Which salvage yard is this? Not for the 599, for other stuff smile


Original Poster:

47 posts

213 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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Think i'll leave it well alone, it's on the bluecycle auction site and currently at £55k but after my visit today and some repair prices that have just been emaild to me in the region of £50k not including any electrical repairs :-0 could turn out to be a bit of a money pitt.

Thanks for your advice though


3,773 posts

212 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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carlosanna said:
Think i'll leave it well alone, it's on the bluecycle auction site and currently at £55k but after my visit today and some repair prices that have just been emaild to me in the region of £50k not including any electrical repairs :-0 could turn out to be a bit of a money pitt.

Thanks for your advice though
Good call to walk aqway. You could get a good straight car for £105k safe in the knowledge the gremlins won't appear later. I bet the dad was chuffed with his son!!


2,735 posts

252 months

Tuesday 8th November 2011
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here you go, slightly cheaper than 50k - they have loads of other 599 parts as well
