Archive #41095968
PH Losers 2019 progress table.

PH Losers 2019 chat thread is here (clicky).

Simply add your name, height, start date, start weight to the wiki using this format:

||Member||Height||Start date||Start weight||Last update||Current Weight||Lost||Notes/Diet/Exercise||


PH Losers 2019 progress table:

Current players:

PHer Height Start Date Start Wt. Current Wt. Lost Last update Notes/Diet/Exercise
dirtbiker 5ft 7 3/1/19 73.8kg 69.3kg 4.5kg 04/12/19 Almost back to pre-holiday weight in less than two weeks, pretty happy with that!
Glover Mart 6ft 4 1/7/19 144.6kg 122.8kg 21.8kg 26/11/19 Increase walking, play more golf, eat less rubbish, target to lose average of 1kg a week for a year and to do 5k steps every day.
kiethton 6ft 1 5/1/19 126.7kg 118.3kg 8.4kg 08/10/19 Eating clean and minimising carbs; eggs, salads and meat. Regular beers swapped for an occasional G&T. Exercise (jogging & cycling) to come when warmer and work pressures ease
Robmarriott 6ft 2 1/1/19 116.1kg 85.7kg 30.4kg 01/12/19 Eat less, exercise more
TR7V8 5ft 8 1/1/19 110.5kg 113.4kg +2.9kg 22/10/19 Low carb, high protein plus moving more! Finally going in the right direction! Struggling too much travel & distractions, have damaged Calf muscle & Achilles which is hindering
wjb 6 ft 12/1/19 107.9kg 94.8kg 13.1kg 23/11/19 no booze, bread, biscuits. One treat meal/week. c25k, taekwondo
SpamDisco 5ft 9 25/03/19 105kg 76.1kg 28.9kg 18/11/19 Lazy Keto. Cut back on booze, most weeks none. Hit my target weight after 8 months, now need to keep it off.
Funk 5ft 10 12/08/19 172.6kg 148.3kg 24.3kg 04/12/19 Gym & Slimming World
geeks 6ft 1 2/1/19 109.8kg 93.5kg 16.3kg 25/5/19 Just eating smarter and snacking less, HIIT and cardio as excercise
RATATTAK 5' 9" 13/10/19 96kg 88kg 8kg 01/12/19 Counting Calories (1200/day max. 900/day average)

No updates in over 4 weeks, assumed fallen off the wagon:

PHer Height Start Date Start Wt. Current Wt. Lost Last update Notes/Diet/Exercise
161BMW 6ft 19/4/19 110kg - - - Weight training. Circuits or cycling. Eat better
22 6ft 3 6/1/19 114.8kg 100.0kg 14.8kg 15/3/19 Slimming world, cook more, exercise and move more, standing desk at work.
57 Chevy 6ft 2 1/4/18 150kg 35.0 kg 24/2/19 Eat less, exercise more, target 100kg
AK8 6ft 3 1/1/19 109.2kg 100.8kg 8.4kg 23/1/19 Fasting (0 calories) 3 days per week; eating normally other 4
AndrewEH1 5ft 10 1/1/19 90.6kg 81.6kg 9.0kg 6/3/19 Eating less and exercising more - no chocolate or takeaways
Bungleaio 6ft 3 1/1/19 113.7kg 108.8kg 4.9kg 14/3/19 No crisps or chocolate, but doing lot of spin classes, cross trainer, rowing machine and swimming Went on holiday in feb and had a 3kg setback, worth it though.
caiss4 5ft 10 7/1/19 100kg 95.7kg 4.1kg 30/4/19 Low carb, cycling 60km and swimming 2km per week. Managed 590km on the bike and 37km swimming to 29th Aril
Craikeybaby 5ft 8 1/1/19 88kg 87.8kg 0.2kg 02/06/19 Trying to eat healthier and cycle more
EarlOfHazard 6ft 1 1/1/19 95kg 89kg 6kg 18/3/19 Smaller meals, higher protein intake. Fewer carbs.HIIT Classes.Walking home from work approx. 1.3 miles. No booze
emicen 5ft 9 2/1/19 92.7kg 83.2kg 9.5kg 4/4/19 Weightloss / Training blog link here. No special diets or nutritional voodoo. Aim to lose 30lb in 12 weeks
Essenn 5ft 10 7/1/19 94kg 92.5kg 1.5kg 21/1/19 -
gazza285 5ft 11 2/2/19 82.8kg 77.7kg 5.1kg 1/3/19 Competitive runner and cyclist, losing weight after an injury, stopped eating biscuits...
GriffGrog 5ft 8 6/1/19 101.2kg 100.2kg 1kg 4/2/19 -
GruntyDC5 5ft 11 7/1/19 130.5kg 124.0kg 6.5kg 20/2/19 -
HarryFlatters 6ft 7/1/19 91kg 88.45kg 2.55kg 03/05/19 -
HTP99 5ft 9 1/1/19 106.7kg 99.3kg 7.4kg 07/05/19 less booze, monitoring my food intake via MFP, nothing faddy, working on 1600 calories per day, at least 10k steps per day, weekly bootcamp session, plenty of dog walks
IanJ9375 6ft 1/1/19 137.4kg 130.4kg 7kg 6/2/19 Low carb
IN51GHT 5ft 9 1/1/19 87kg 78kg 9kg 01/06/19 Eating less bread, not drinking alcohol at home unless we have guests, lot's of cardio, fell off the wagon a bit last week as was on hols in France
J4CKO 6ft 7/1/19 106.6kg 103.4kg 3.2kg 28/1/19 -
Jamest1988 6ft 5/1/19 132.1kg 127.1 5.0kg 6/2/19 lots of cycling and a good clean-up of the diet, working so far
Johnniem 5ft 10 4/2/19 105.5kg 83kg 22.5kg 23/4/19 Ultra low cal diet didnt reverse diabetes, sadly! Still so happy to have lost the weight. Gym 2 - 3 times per week. Need to gain muscle!
LL1993 6ft 4 7/1/19 182kg 155.9kg 26.1kg 1/7/19 General Dieting, trying to eat better, still have canteen hot lunch in work but eating less/better during evenings.
LosingGrip 6ft 4 4/1/19 129.4kg 125.7kg 2.7kg 02/05/19 Working on weights more than losing weight.
MB140 177cm 5/1/19 245lbs 236lbs 9lbs 19/4/19 Friday Weigh In. MyFitnessPal calorie counting aiming at 2lbs a week
MHB 5ft 10 1/1/19 105kg 90.0kg 15kg 23/4/19 -
Mr Obertshaw 6ft 4 1/1/19 136.9kg 136.2kg 0.7kg 18/3/19 -
MurderousCrow 178cm 12/03/19 86.1kg 80.2kg 5.9kg 07/05/19 Low to moderate carb, high protein & fibre diet, calorie-controlled. Daily KB training.
MYOB 6ft 7/1/19 87.6kg 83.82kg 3.78kg 3/2/19 No restrictions on meals but no snacking. Weight training and jogging.
NiceCupOfTea 6ft 1 3/1/19 95kg 94.9kg 0.1kg! 8/2/19 zero change in diet but regular running, occasional swimming
OFORBES 6ft 1/1/19 112kg 101.6kg 10.4kg 6/3/19 Keto - Low Carb
oxford drinker 5ft 11 4/1/19 108kg 106.5kg 1.5kg 8/3/19 a bad fortnight and up by 0.4kg
paulguitar 6ft 20/1/19 124kg 116.7kg 7.3kg 1/5/19 Major portion reductions and trying to stick to just fish/chicken with vegetables and/or brown rice. Have cut out bread and cheese. A cheat day here and there
Peanut Gallery 6ft 4/1/19 95kg 96.9kg +2kg 27/3/19 I like my carbs too much, but body fat is really low (not off the wagon, just slow and steady!)....
pieman68 6ft 3 1/1/19 125kg 118.41kg 6.59kg 19/2/19 Slimming World
Pot Bellied Fool 5ft 8 27/12/18 110.6kg +0.9kg 111.5kg - -
Red-5 6ft 14/1/19 135kg 118.9kg 16.1kg 19/3/19 MyFitnessPal calorie counting + cycling
rigga 5ft 8 4/1/19 93.7kg 78.2kg 15.5kg 30/3/19 treadmill dog walking cut out biscuits crisps etc
Riley Blue 5ft 11 4/1/19 105.7kg 99.1kg 6.6kg 9/6/19 Going down, slowly.
rsbmw 6ft 1 1/1/19 98kg 93kg 5kg 26/1/19 Low carb, running, press ups etc
Rushjob 5ft 10 5/1/19 106kg 96.5kg 9.5kg 19/6/19 Slimming World ish - must drink less wine.......but I live in France :-(
seyre1972 6ft 2/1/19 162.4kg 147.5kg 14.9kg 1/4/19 MyFitnessPal Calorie Counting - cutting out majority of carbs - and a good doze of flu.
Smitters 5ft 8 1/1/19 76.6kg ? kg ? kg 1/4/19 Keeping an eye on total calories to control portions and snacking, reducing refined sugar.
Snoopy25 5ft 8 2/1/19 108.86kg 108.4kg 0.453kg 14/1/19 moving more!
spence1886 6ft 1 2/1/19 99kg 93.7kg 5.3kg 10/4/19 Low carb (20-30g carbs from green veg)
StanleyT 6ft 3 6/1/19 112.0kg 107.8kg 4.2kg 13/1/19 Not doing Dry January but doing Try Ginuary (Distilling own Gin, no drinking beer, even in pubs,,,,). Walking 7-10 miles a day - going to try for 3,000 miles on foot this year. Using Slimming World recipies to control "portion" distortion.
Steve91 6ft 3 6/1/19 100.7kg 98.4kg 2.3kg 25/3/19 Eating as clean as possible, with no sugary drinks. Cycling or turbo trainer as often as possible. Beer swapped for Gin.
STO 6ft 1 6/1/19 104kg 99.5kg 4.5kg 1/7/19 No snacking or beer , and using a rowing machine twice a week for half an hour -
TheJelley 6ft 3 4/7/18 115.7kg 92.1kg 23.6kg 24/4/19 Spinning, spinning, spinning, and the occasional real bike ride. Keeping calories under 2k per day
thenortherner 6ft 1/1/19 89kg 84.8kg 4.2kg 20/1/19 -
Thepeoplespal 5ft 10 1/1/19 157.4kg 151.0kg 6.4kg 14/3/19 low carb - kg has been lost and put on at least 3 times
Tim1989 5ft 9 2/1/19 90kg 87.6kg 2.4kg 23/1/19 -
wizzard67 6ft 2 21/1/19 118.2kg 113.6kg 4.6kg 18/2/19 Eating less, no booze etc.
WUT 5ft 11 1/1/19 149kg 133.5kg 15.5kg 19/4/19 Reduce processed food, playing football and cycling again
Xaero 5ft 9 4/1/19 89kg 88.4kg 0.6kg 19/1/19 Eating less
z4RRSchris 5ft 10 1/1/19 82.5kg 75.3kg 7.2kg 5/2/19 not eating much and doing many hours on the bike
Cyder 6ft 2 7/1/19 137.5kg 130.7kg 6.8kg 12/07/19 -
EL11SEG 5ft 6 1/4/19 102kg 101kg 1kg 28/7/19 Trying Keto, now cycling/gym
Euan94MX5 5ft 8 4/1/19 90.5kg 80.0kg 10.5kg 14/9/19 Runn
The Ferret 6ft 4/1/19 90.9kg 86.6kg 4.3kg 02/08/19 Cutting right back on booze, chocolate, cakes, crisps and more walking
TheK1981 5ft 11 4/1/19 102.5kg 95.0kg 7.5kg 23/08/19 This is harder than I thought, been roughly a kg a week in June, and no loss all of July, then just half a kg in August
Thesprucegoose 5ft 9 3/1/19 111kg 102.0kg 9kg 22/09/19 carbs and gym,
TNJ 5ft 9 3/1/19 98kg 93.5kg 4.5kg 24/9/19 Weight training, low cal diet, limited booze, started running again
? 5ft 8 01/04/19 76kg 71.6kg 4.4kg 8/07/19 Back on the Keto band-wagon
MrOrange 5ft 10 7/1/18 94.2kg 79.5kg 14.7kg 31/09/19 Going long. Lowish carb and 18hr IF Mon-Wed. Beer at weekends/holidays/summer.
mikal83 6ft 1 2/9/19 102kg 100kg 2kg 30/9/19 fell off the wagon last week, no loss. Again no loss in week 3