The 3rd Annual Thames Vally Crooked Billet Meet

The 3rd Annual Thames Vally Crooked Billet Meet



Original Poster:

13,387 posts

263 months

Wednesday 1st February 2006
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Hey all,

Anyone fancy coming along to what will be the 3rd annual Thames Valley Meet @ The Crooked Billet near Bicester?

We've had a good turn out the last 2 years and IIRC the pub does a lovely carvery.

The planned date is below. Need to get a rough idea of numbers so that we can let the pub know how many to expect.

Date: Sunday 23rd April.

Time: 12ish?

Venue: The Crooked Billet Pub (Nr Bicester).

Last year most of us met at the Esso garage in Bicester just off the M40 and went for a drive before getting to the pub for lunch at 1pm. Then another drive after lunch, before a few of us settled in a pub in Waddesdon for a couple.

>> Edited by pmanson on Wednesday 1st February 21:50


5,193 posts

254 months

Thursday 2nd February 2006
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Count me in, but is 12 a little late? I think last time we met around 10.30ish, then that would give us a good hour or so for a blast, then get to the pub before it gets packed


Original Poster:

13,387 posts

263 months

Thursday 2nd February 2006
quotequote all
gbbird said:
Count me in, but is 12 a little late? I think last time we met around 10.30ish, then that would give us a good hour or so for a blast, then get to the pub before it gets packed

Wasn't sure what time it was. It may have been about 11 or earlier.

I'm easy either way.


13,993 posts

259 months

Thursday 2nd February 2006
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Yes from me, but we are busy for one weekend around that time, but cant rememeber why we are busy or what weekend, its bugging me now!! I'll edit when I've remembered!

whens the grand national?

>> Edited by mxdi on Thursday 2nd February 20:53


7,916 posts

265 months

Sunday 5th February 2006
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Deffo up for this I'm sure you'll remind me nearer the time Phil


2,135 posts

253 months

Monday 6th February 2006
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Count us in



Original Poster:

13,387 posts

263 months

Monday 6th February 2006
quotequote all
Ok so far we have:

1. Me!
2. Amy (Hopefully she'll be driving as well )
3. gbbird
4. Di
5. Matt?
6. Gaz
7. Rico
8. Kim

Come on everyone!!


5,193 posts

254 months

Tuesday 7th February 2006
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I have it on good authority (well, from the horses mouth really) that Oggs will be coming along in his Chimp - it's just that he currently only has intermittent access to the Interweb, or else he would have posted. So count him in


4,261 posts

273 months

Tuesday 7th February 2006
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I should be able to make it


2,135 posts

253 months

Tuesday 7th February 2006
quotequote all
gbbird said:
I have it on good authority (well, from the horses mouth really) that Oggs will be coming along in his Chimp - it's just that he currently only has intermittent access to the Interweb, or else he would have posted. So count him in

I wouldnt have said that Oggs looks like a horses mouth exactly.. .. ..


Original Poster:

13,387 posts

263 months

Tuesday 7th February 2006
quotequote all
Slikk said:
gbbird said:
I have it on good authority (well, from the horses mouth really) that Oggs will be coming along in his Chimp - it's just that he currently only has intermittent access to the Interweb, or else he would have posted. So count him in

I wouldnt have said that Oggs looks like a horses mouth exactly.. .. ..

Personally I thought it was quite an apt description!


7,178 posts

229 months

Tuesday 7th February 2006
quotequote all
1. Me!
2. Amy (Hopefully she'll be driving as well )
3. gbbird
4. Di
5. Matt?
6. Gaz
7. Rico
8. Kim
9. Marcp68


Original Poster:

13,387 posts

263 months

Tuesday 7th February 2006
quotequote all
The List said:
1. Me!
2. Amy (Hopefully she'll be driving as well )
3. gbbird
4. Di
5. Matt?
6. Gaz
7. Rico
8. Kim
9. Marcp68
10. Oggs
11. Haze


13,993 posts

259 months

Tuesday 7th February 2006
quotequote all
pmanson said:
The List said:
1. Me!
2. Amy (Hopefully she'll be driving as well )
3. gbbird
4. Di
5. Matt
6. Gaz
7. Rico
8. Kim
9. Marcp68
10. Oggs
11. Haze


Original Poster:

13,387 posts

263 months

Wednesday 8th February 2006
quotequote all
The List said:

1. Me!
2. Amy
3. gbbird
4. Di
5. Matt
6. Gaz
7. Rico
8. Kim
9. Marcp68
10. Oggs
11. Haze
12. Haze's Dad

Mrs Trackside

9,299 posts

243 months

Wednesday 8th February 2006
quotequote all
pmanson said:
The List said:

1. Me!
2. Amy
3. gbbird
4. Di
5. Matt
6. Gaz
7. Rico
8. Kim
9. Marcp68
10. Oggs
11. Haze
12. Haze's Dad
13. Mrs Trackside


Original Poster:

13,387 posts

263 months

Wednesday 8th February 2006
quotequote all
The List said:

1. Me!
2. Amy
3. gbbird
4. Di
5. Matt
6. Gaz
7. Rico
8. Kim
9. Marcp68
10. Oggs
11. Haze
12. Haze's Dad
13. Mrs Trackside
14. 350Wedge

Hi Mrs Trackside! Would be great to put a face to a name! See you in April

Mrs Trackside

9,299 posts

243 months

Wednesday 8th February 2006
quotequote all
pmanson said:
The List said:

1. Me!
2. Amy
3. gbbird
4. Di
5. Matt
6. Gaz
7. Rico
8. Kim
9. Marcp68
10. Oggs
11. Haze
12. Haze's Dad
13. Mrs Trackside
14. 350Wedge

Hi Mrs Trackside! Would be great to put a face to a name! See you in April

And you. Looking forward to it.


1,777 posts

243 months

Wednesday 8th February 2006
quotequote all
And me, and me...
The List said:

1. Me!
2. Amy
3. gbbird
4. Di
5. Matt
6. Gaz
7. Rico
8. Kim
9. Marcp68
10. Oggs
11. Haze
12. Haze's Dad
13. Mrs Trackside
14. 350Wedge
15. Trackside

>> Edited by Trackside on Wednesday 8th February 23:31


5,193 posts

254 months

Thursday 9th February 2006
quotequote all
the list is growing.