Revs at Idle



Original Poster:

47 posts

200 months

Saturday 5th September 2009
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Hi all,

I have a Sagaris and was just wondering what the normal revs should be when the car is idle. Currently, mine is around 6-700, but can dip as low as 400. When this happens, it feels as though the engine's about to stall. An ideas what the problem, if any, could be?

Thanks, Matt


323 posts

200 months

Saturday 5th September 2009
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Adjust your throttle pods, if o.k.
Adjust your tappet clearance.

When was last service?



16,033 posts

213 months

Saturday 5th September 2009
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Mine is the same, going in for service in the not too distant future...


Original Poster:

47 posts

200 months

Sunday 6th September 2009
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Thanks for the replies. Last service was 5 weeks ago, 12K... Obviously, I'll get it checked out by a garage, but just wanted to check if it was serious!


969 posts

208 months

Monday 7th September 2009
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I always get my idle set to 1100 at service, it might seem a little high but given about 8 weeks of driving and will be around 950 hot - and should last until the next servicing (probably drops to 800 rpm around then)

At 600rpm, turning on air-con may stall the car at idle.


76 posts

205 months

Monday 7th September 2009
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Dipping to 400 may also give you an oil pressure problem, I would get this adjusted to 950-1050 asap. There is an adjuster between two of the throttle bodies near where the cable connects to them. Quite easy to do with small spanner and hex key.


1,598 posts

289 months

Monday 7th September 2009
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Same for me - mine is set to around 700 hot idle, but with AC on it drops down to 500 and the the oil pressure dips alarmingly when it's really hot. I'd set it up around 8-900 to be on the safe side.



137 posts

213 months

Wednesday 9th September 2009
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Idle speed hot should be about 950 rpm


192 posts

180 months

Thursday 17th September 2009
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Mine sits at 700rpm dead, with the odd flick to 600 for a split second and holds 16-17psi oil pressure.

It dips to 500rpm with AC on and oil pressure 8-11psi.

I will also adjust mine up, a little more oil pressure at idle works wonders to lube the top end.



2,244 posts

212 months

Thursday 17th September 2009
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RiddleMcFiddle said:
Mine sits at 700rpm dead, with the odd flick to 600 for a split second and holds 16-17psi oil pressure.

It dips to 500rpm with AC on and oil pressure 8-11psi.

I will also adjust mine up, a little more oil pressure at idle works wonders to lube the top end.

Reset throttle on diagnostics first though, before setting to 950rpm

g smile


192 posts

180 months

Friday 18th September 2009
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Ah good tip.

Didnt know that so thanks.

PS. emailed you about workshop manual.



71 posts

245 months

Monday 15th March 2010
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How's this adjusted on a Tuscan? My cars just come back from a 12k service and still won't idle from cold. Is this something that I can do myself?


2,745 posts

236 months

Monday 15th March 2010
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520UXL said:
How's this adjusted on a Tuscan? My cars just come back from a 12k service and still won't idle from cold. Is this something that I can do myself?
I would get back in touch with the garage who serviced your car, It needs adjusting and the garage should do this after all you did pay them to service your car that includes setting it up properly..


2,281 posts

230 months

Tuesday 16th March 2010
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Reset throttle on diagnostics first though, before setting to 950rpm

g smile
Should you reset afterwards as well? Wont 'apparent' idle (as read on the TP) be at slightly more than 15.6% if you reset then adjust?

I had a couple of head scratching moments on this when i installed my throttle bodies.

The roller bearing'd TB's change the idle as they get hot, 700rpm when cold then 950ish when Hot, so obviously i reset the throttle position once hot.

Edited by Robertjp on Tuesday 16th March 12:39

Edited by Robertjp on Tuesday 16th March 12:40


2,281 posts

230 months

Tuesday 16th March 2010
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G20RG B said:
520UXL said:
How's this adjusted on a Tuscan? My cars just come back from a 12k service and still won't idle from cold. Is this something that I can do myself?
I would get back in touch with the garage who serviced your car, It needs adjusting and the garage should do this after all you did pay them to service your car that includes setting it up properly..
Agreed, they either havent adjusted the tappets correctly (very poor) or they havent balanced properly (poor) or havent set the idle position properly (20 minute job). If you cant be bothered to go back there, you have to take the bonnet off and there is an adjuster and lock nut between TB 3 and 4 (central TB's). If it were me i would want to understand why it isnt idling properly after a 12k service.


175 posts

193 months

Saturday 20th March 2010
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should be around 850 on hot idle, depending if u have A/C. When the A/C is on it tends to drop about 80-100rpm's.